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At Balfour Primary our intent is to provide an ambitious art and design curriculum enriched by experiences, discussion, exposure to a range of artists and mediums whilst instilling a love of art.  Throughout their time at Balfour, children will learn about a broad range of artists and craftspeople from different time periods, art movements, ethnic backgrounds and countries.  Children will have the opportunity to explore and learn about a range of art forms and mediums.  They will foster a love of art and see the value in their own art work as well as the art work of others.  Children will have the confidence to convey their likes and dislikes of artists and mediums, underpinned by a range of appropriate vocabulary.   Through a variety of tools, materials and skills, children will be able to express themselves.  As the children move into upper key stage two, they will make independent choices and demonstrate the appropriate use of materials and mediums, making justifications for these.